Hiring A Service

8 Reasons to Hire a Cleaning Service

Reasons to Hire a Cleaning Service:

  1. Your family’s health.
  2. There is no better feeling than coming home to a clean house.
  3. By setting a scheduled service into your weekly or bi weekly routine, you will attest that tidying up is really a breeze!
  4. Do you need more time to spend with your family, recreation or hobbies? Think of all the times you’ve found yourself saying “I wish I could do that”, or “If I just had the time?”
  5. Home life can quickly become stressful when it comes to house cleaning.
  6. Overall satisfaction with your home’s condition. You can always fire someone who isn’t doing a cleaning that’s up to your standards or expectations – start with yourself!
  7. Having a regular cleaning service can act as an extra home security measure that will give you greater peace of mind.
  8. Some services let your pets out for you. Anyone with pets knows that their little bladders may not be up to a full time workday left alone in the house.

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A short letter to all consumers…

Dear Consumer,
We would like to thank you very much for your interest in our cleaning services. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide you with some knowledge of what a service should entail in hopes that it will help you choose the absolute best cleaning company for your needs.

Choosing a home cleaning company isn’t easy. Why? Because you are bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims, dicey contracts, simply bad information and/or horrible representations of home cleaning – from “super-low” prices and high-pressure sales, to unqualified technicians who clean with near-worthless methods. It is vital that you choose wisely and a good place to start would be reading this guide…

5 criteria to hiring a cleaning service

Criteria #1:

Avoid choosing a cleaning service based upon the lowest price. Be aware of vendors who:

  • Bait and Switch services
  • Use un-screened Employees
  • Vendors using poor quality materials

Criteria #2:

Verify that their employees (who will be in your home) are insured against theft and breakage. Also check if they are screened for criminal activity and drugs.

  • If an uninsured worker does get hurt in your home, you’re setting yourself up to be sued!

Criteria #3:

Be sure that the service is a valid member of ARCSI (Association of Residential Cleaning Services International). You will know they are up-to-date with the most current cleaners and cleaning education.

Criteria #4:

Demand a quote. Invite the person to your home and ask for a more specific quotation.

Criteria #5:

Always get in writing a list of services that will be included with your scheduled cleaning

Here are some questions to ask a perspective cleaning service:

  • Are your employees trained in how to identify different aspects of cleaning that require special attention? Do they know how to deal with the cleaning requirements of newer technologies? Do they know how to safely clean surfaces such as granite countertops and enameled tubs? Will management be on-site for the first visit? Can they provide any company policies to prove the standards of their employees?
  • Does your company employ licensed, bonded and insured cleaners only? The term “bonded” refers to part of insurance; it means that you will receive reimbursement if something is broken or ruined through the actions of the staff. Ask to see their Certificate of Liability Insurance to prove that you and their employees will be covered in case of any mishap.
  • Do your personnel arrive in identifiable uniforms and marked vehicles? Having a recognizable uniform lets you know that these are the right people you’ve hired and that the job hasn’t been sub-contracted out to another company.
  • Will it always be the same personnel or will a supervisor be present to ensure that the service agreement will be fulfilled? Having the same person cleaning your home each week will ensure that the job is being done appropriately … and there will be less chance of a miscommunication.
  • Can your company provide referrals to support your claims? Keep in mind that they are unlikely to steer you towards any of their bad reviews!
  • Ask for a fee table so that there are no surprises when the bill comes. Ask if there are any extra charges? Knowing what to expect will allow you to plan and budget and an experienced company should be able to estimate the price of the job for you based on the square footage of your home or the quantity of services you require.
  • Does your company have cleaning contracts? Don’t leave anything to chance. Make sure that the services you are asking for are clearly detailed and all of the prices are included.
  • Do you provide your own equipment and supplies and/or are you willing to use their preferred cleaning products? If you prefer that the cleaning supplies be eco-friendly or unscented, will you be expected to provide the necessary products? !ATTENTION! Some companies may have to pay a little more for the “extra effort” that some “green cleaners” require.
  • Do you have a satisfaction guarantee? Do they provide a cleaning checklist for you? It is difficult to know if a job has been performed when you don’t know exactly what has been done.
  • How do you handle any complaints or changes to cleaning instructions?

REMINDER: A reputable company should operate as openly and honestly as possible. In fact, most experienced companies (like us) will have all this information and a big smile ready and waiting for you. We have taken the extra steps and composed a 52 point Standards Checklist which can act as a guide to help you better understand a proper cleaning. Of course, there is a lot more that goes into choosing the right service for you as an individual, but we hope that with this information will help you make an informed decision.

Thank you very much for reviewing our “Consumer’s Guide to Home Cleaning Services” We hope you’ve found this information helpful for choosing the exact service for your needs! If you have any questions or comments visit our contact us page or if you’d like us to provide you with any additional information, please call us at 727-384-6243.